Steve Spivak joined the Sigma chapter of TEP at Syracuse University, in the fall of 1990. Steve graduated from Syracuse in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. From there, he went on to obtain his Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree from the Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine in 1999, then completed a surgical residency at Albert Einstein Medical Center (AEMC) in Philadelphia in 2001.
Steve has been a practicing podiatrist since 2001, and owning his own practice in the South Jersey and Philadelphia area since 2005. While in practice, Steve served as the Podiatric Residency Program director in 2022, and the assistant program director from 2005-2021. Since the end of 2022, Steve remains in private practice, exclusively in his South Jersey office in Lumberton, NJ, near where he lives with his wife Josette, and two children, Lauren and Andrew, where he serves as their chauffeur for their multiple activities.