Dr. Larry Feldman, was elected as a Director of the Grand Council in October of 2024. Larry was a multiple graduate at the University of Florida & a Tau Alpha TEP, Brother 1065, in the 1968 pledge class. He served 47 year as an educator/administrator with Miami-Dade County Public Schools, the nation’s 3rd largest district, the last 12 yrs. as a Constitutionally elected School Board member, vice chair and chair, retiring in November 2020. Dr. Feldman’s expertise is in the areas of public education, innovative educational curriculums, increased fiscal and budgetary management, shared decision-making governance, culture and client environments, special education, increasing efficiency of resources, and organizational-systemic reform initiatives. He worked with school districts nationally as a Senior Consultant to the Panasonic Foundation, Oxford’s Round Table, & the International Network of Principals’ Centers at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education. Larry also served as: Chair, the Council of the Great City Schools; President, the Greater Florida Consortium of School Boards; Director, the Florida School Boards Association, & President, the Dade Association of School Administrators. Currently, he is an adjunct professor, Institute for Ethical Leadership Doctoral Program, St. Thomas University; Director, Mexican American Council Foundation; Committee: Miami Dade College’s Education Baccalaureate; Director, Drug Free Youth In Town (DFY-IT); Appeals Committee, Florida High School Athletic Association; and on the Boards of: The Education Fund; Zoo Miami Foundation; University of Miami’s Community Advisory Program for Education in Neuro-developmental Disabilities (LEND); U.S. Air War College’s National Security Forums; Children’s Survival Network; University of Florida’s Lastinger Center; Holmes Group’s Tomorrow’s Schools; FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association Critical Incident Task Force; Building Empowerment by Stopping Trafficking, Inc. (B.E.S.T.); National Association for School Safety, Law Enforcement Officers (NASSLEO); Department of Defense’s JCOC and Special Ops Program; & the Miami-Dade Defense Alliance Joint Military Affairs Committee. Dr. Feldman has been the recipient of awards & honors including: the coveted 2019 National Urban Educator, the Council of Great City Schools; Discovery Channel’s Excellence in Urban Education; UF College of Education’s Distinguished Alumni; Chamber South’s Outstanding Service by an Elected Official; Miami Today’s Book of Leaders; FBI National Citizen Academy Alumni Association Outstanding Service Gold Medal; Minority Chamber of Commerce’s Public Official of the Year; Miami Beach Senior High School’s Hall of Fame; Mexican American Council’s Champion of Farmworkers; American Women’s Association’s Boss of the Year; and was inducted into UF’s Grand Guard. Dr. Feldman serves as keynote speaker, participant, & facilitator for educational leadership panels, professional associations and symposiums. His philanthropic endeavors provide scholarship grants for students, college visitations, Migrant Farmworkers Scholarships, 4-year Florida Pre-paid College Scholarships, perpetual College Endowments and Scholarships at UF’s College of Science and the Arts, UF’s College of Education, & Wesleyan College. With Miami Children’s Hospital he created partnerships to expand Drown Prevention Awareness Program & provide free cardiac screenings for sudden cardiac arrest for all students. He secured policies that: prohibited school district employees using cell devices while operating vehicles, enhanced athletic concussion-prevention programs, established athletic trainers use of concussion metrics, initiated anger management programs, implemented the Sandy Hook Promise, adopted Mindfulness Programs, & trained personnel in awareness, identification and servicing children of human trafficking. Dr. Feldman received his B.A. in Elementary Education and M.Ed. in Special Education from the University of Florida & his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership/System Reform from The Union Institute and University, Cincinnati, Ohio. Married for 51 yrs., he & his wife celebrate the accomplishments of their two daughters.