City College of New York

Tau Epsilon Phi at the City College of New York (CCNY) returns this fall semester. Meet our Brothers and interested potential members on campus and also our active CCNY alumni association. ΤΕΦ is an inclusive fraternity practicing our pillars of Friendship, Chivalry, and Service. Find your social and professional network at ΤΕΦ as Brotherhood is always with you beyond your academic career.

Fill out the form below to be connected with Brothers, other interested members, and our alumni from the Phi Chi chapter. Or if you think someone else would be a great member for TEΦ you can submit a form their behalf.

We are excited for our first semester back on campus and can’t wait to see you all!

Instagram – TEPCCNY

Facebook – TEP at CCNY

To learn more about this experience please share your contact information below:
