This free benefit offered by ΤΕΦ National provides our membership with a place to post job openings for all categories of career-related positions. The job postings listed below have been submitted to ΤΕΦ by members around the country. ΤΕΦ is happy to provide this information, but in no event does ΤΕΦ act as an employment agency and is not liable or held responsible therein.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact the employers, schedule interviews, exchange resumes, and to discuss benefits, salary, etc.
ΤΕΦ members desiring to post an advertisement for employment on TEP’s website should format their advertisement(s) similar to those already posted. The following information is mandatory and must be included with the description of the position:
- Date of Advertisement
- Closing Date for Applications/Resumes
- Title of Position/Vacancy
- Name of Contact Person at the company
- Contact’s preferred method of contact (e-mail, telephone, etc.) and the applicable telephone number, e-mail address, etc.
- Your name, chapter name, and an email address where candidates can contact you
Requests to place advertisements for employment are to be e-mailed to the TEP Executive Director at Please allow upto 72 hours for employment advertisements to be posted. Unless otherwise instructed, posts will be removed 60 days after posting.