Tau Epsilon Phi is a national men’s fraternity founded at Columbia University in New York, NY on October 10, 1910 on the principles of friendship, chivalry, and service. Formed by a group of 10 Jewish men who were excluded from membership in other fraternities due to their faith, they dedicated themselves to building an organization free from discrimination.
The purpose of this document is to clearly communicate the Tau Epsilon Phi brand and provide distinct guidelines for the usage of our visual identity. It is our intent to encourage the creation of further brand awareness and increase the value of our brand equity. These guidelines will show proper use of the logos and brand imagery for chapters, alumni, and partners.
The Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity Inc. (Tau Epsilon Phi) is the exclusive owner of all Tau Epsilon Phi trademarks, Greek symbols Tau-Epsilon-Phi (ΤΕΦ,) Crest, Creed, Badges, and the informal use of “TEP”. These trademarks may only be used by authorized parties which already includes our undergraduate and alumni members in good standing, alumni associations recognized by the National Fraternity, the Grand Council, and staff. Products may not be produced or sold by any person or organization without a licensing or written agreement from the National Fraternity.
Tau Epsilon Phi trademarks are not to be used with:
• Any depiction of illegal substances
• Any depiction aimed at harming or demeaning ethnicities, religion, or culture
• Any depiction relating to harming or demeaning of a person’s gender or sexual identity
• All intent of incorrect brand usage
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